Sunday, February 6, 2011

"One by one we would be Killed"

Here is the link to Philippa Melaniphy's story about the plight of Somali journalists, published on 4 February in the Walkley Magazine.

Here is a short excerpt:

International media organisations rely on inside reports from the world’s most unstable nation, but the violence and intimidation faced by Somali journalists goes unnoticed.

Perspiration drips from Mohammed Odowa’s face. A death sentence has been hanging over him for a while now. He watches as the armed militia pull scissors from their pockets. Is this how they’re going to kill me? Cut me into small pieces? Tracing the metal blades over Odowa’s scalp, the militia begin cutting rough chunks of hair. Suddenly he is released. But the message is clear: next time you will be

This is Somalia, the deadliest place in the world for journalists according to the Committee for Protection of Journalists (CPJ). The country is becoming a no-go zone for global media organisations as they increasingly depend on local freelance reporters for inside leads. But when local news goes international, Somali journalists are hunted down by the perpetrators they report on

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SOJANET members. Kampala, Uganda.